The Eclipse is a Warning to America – Stay Inside!

While there has been a great deal of media attention to the eclipse coming on Monday, much less attention is given to the spiritual dimensions and implications of the eclipse.

Messages from several watchmen and women have not only declared that the eclipse is a major warning to America to repent, but that a biological attack is planned for those who gather to watch the eclipse. This is very serious and includes a warning to stay inside rather than place you and your family in harm’s way. You can see these messages here:

In I Chronicles 12:32, the sons of Issachar were commended for understanding the times and knowing what they should do. So let us be like them, seeking understanding of the times and what we should do to live at this time and serve our Lord.  As in all things, question everything and take it to the Lord for confirmation.

This blog is for the remnant Bride of Christ and all who seek The Truth. You won’t want to miss it.

Blessings on your day,


Mark Peterson

Ten Reasons Why Repentance is Absolutely Necessary

Our nation is becoming more and more perverse, as President Biden recently declared EASTER to be Transgender Day of Visibility, a direct insult to the sovereign, living God of the universe. This is a blatant abomination, and our nation and people are now facing judgment from God.

So it is absolutely necessary that we repent of our sins and seek the Lord for His protection, guidance, and peace, as never before, because:

  1. God is a holy, righteous, and jealous God. If we approach Him with unconfessed sin on our hearts, we are idolators, worshipping another god.
  2. Unrepentance refuses Christ’s gift of salvation. If we refuse His free gift of grace, we will be judged under the Law and found guilty.
  3. Unrepentance drowns out the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit. We lose our ability to discern what is from the Lord and what is from the evil one.
  4. Repentance frees us from the bondage of sin and death. When we retain sin in our hearts, we remain in bondage, enslaving our souls to the world, the flesh, and the devil.
  5. Conviction from the Holy Spirit is our friend, as it is a warning sign that we are straying off the narrow path.
  6. Unrepentance pollutes our witness to others. Unconfessed sin sends mixed messages about Christ and those who follow Him.
  7. Unforgiveness is a powerful example of unrepentance. And if we don’t forgive someone of their wrongs against us, our Lord will not forgive us of our sins.
  8. Unconfessed sin is a cancer to our souls, and we need to get rid of it before it spreads and takes over completely.
  9. Unrepentance opens the doors to demonic influence in our lives. Unconfessed sins attract demons like fresh meat attracts flies, but repentance closes those portals to our soul.
  10. There is no sin in heaven. If we arrive at the pearly gates with sinon our souls, we are refusing to die to self and live for Christ, which is the entrance fee to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

The Lord is sending us into the front lines of the great spiritual battle for the souls of men and women – the ultimate prize. But we can only do this if we are spiritually clean, have our spiritual armor on, and are in touch with the Holy Spirit.

If hold on to any sin and refuse to die to self, we are saying no to life in the Spirit – a great spiritual adventure filled with blessings, sorrows, and the joy of the Lord that only comes from His presence in our lives.

So let us repent, forgive, and go forth with the love and truth of God, for time is short, eternity is a very long time, and we are not guaranteed tomorrow.

To God be the glory

Time Is Almost Up

Satan, the master deceiver, has set many traps to ensnare us into his nets and take us down to the Lake of Fire. Some of these traps (and upcoming events) are war on our soil, crash of the dollar (Project Sandman), famine, pestilence (new viruses), the vax, the coming three days of darkness, trust in our corrupt politicians and government, and perhaps the eclipse coming in April.

To gain insight into what is coming soon and how to prepare, take a look at Time is Short.

In I Chronicles 12:32, the sons of Issachar were commended for understanding the times and knowing what they should do. So let us be like them, seeking understanding of the times and what we should do to live at this time and serve our Lord.  As in all things, question everything and take it to the Lord for confirmation.

This blog is for the remnant Bride of Christ and all who seek The Truth. You won’t want to miss it.

Blessings on your day,


Mark Peterson

A Great Wealth Transfer is Coming

A great wealth transfer is coming soon to our nation. Usually, when there is some great financial crisis, everyone does not lose out, but assets move from those who did well in the old system, to those who are prepared (by foresight or luck) for the new system. That is what this blog post attempts to explain – how this happens, and the implications for all of us. You can see it here:

Our Lord has raised up watchmen and women to warn America and other nations about coming events, consistent with these passages:

In I Chronicles 12:32, the sons of Issachar were commended for understanding the times and knowing what they should do. So let us be like them, seeking understanding of the times and what we should do to live at this time and serve our Lord.  As in all things, question everything and take it to the Lord for confirmation.

This blog is for the remnant Bride of Christ and all who seek The Truth. You won’t want to miss it.

Be bold. Be strong. Be courageous and walk with the Lord.


Mark Peterson, Ph.D.

Prepare for War on Our Soil

America, war is coming to our soil. The last issue of LifeintheSpirit,, documented how the Hamas-Israel war is not what it seems, and that military involvement and support is now spreading to other nations in the Middle East: Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and Iran. This blog post will show how it will spread to America, with a very encouraging message at the end: Prepare for War on Our Soil.

Our Lord has raised up watchmen and women to warn America and other nations about coming events, consistent with these passages:

The sons of Issachar were commended in I Chronicles 12:32 for understanding the times and knowing what they should do. So let us be like them, seeking understanding of the times and what we should do to live at this time and serve our Lord.  As in all things, question everything and take it to the Lord for confirmation.

This blog is for the remnant Bride of Christ and all who seek The Truth. You won’t want to miss it.

Be bold. Be strong. Be courageous and walk with the Lord.


Mark Peterson, Ph.D.

The War in Gaza – Destruction, Propaganda, and Escalation

Dear Friends and Family

 The October 7 attack from Hamas into Israel was a trigger that launched Israel’s invasion of Gaza, and will soon escalate to include more nations, including the United States. But things are not what they seem, as this LifeintheSpirit blog post reveals.

In I Chronicles 12:32, the sons of Issachar were commended for understanding the times and knowing what they should do. So let us be like them, seeking understanding of the times and what we should do to live at this time and serve our Lord.  As in all things, question everything and take it to the Lord for confirmation.

This blog is for the remnant Bride of Christ and all who seek The Truth. You won’t want to miss it.

Blessings on your day,


This blog is for the remnant Bride of Christ and all who seek The Truth. You won’t want to miss it.

Blessings on your day,


Mark Peterson, Ph.D.

Welcome to Laodicea – a Story for Today’s Church

Photo of the actual church of Laodicea, Asia Minor

Photo by Torsten62 – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0

It is the year 56 AD, and we just left our home in Antioch, headed for a weekend in Laodicea, known for its beautiful setting on the Lycus River, mild climate, and prosperous economy. As we approached the city, we saw a large sign that says: “Welcome to Laodicea – City of Comfort and Prosperity – come for a visit, stay for a lifetime.”

We love coming to Laodicea, also called “The City of Zeus”, because of its many attractions – beautiful monuments, temples to many gods, theaters, and baths.  Founded in 261 BC, Laodicea is located on a strategic trade route, is the center of thriving trade in black wool, and is known for its embrace of the arts, science, and literature.

On Saturday evening, after dinner at an open-air restaurant on the main plaza, we took in a theatrical performance in the magnificent stadium. Although it was thoroughly pagan and often risqué, the performance was dramatic, and we enjoyed ourselves immensely, as did the other theater goers.

On Sunday, we went to the local Church of Laodicea for worship service. Although the building was beautiful and well adorned, we couldn’t help seeing the many beggars and homeless people nearby, who seemed to be in great distress and need. We even recognized some of the churchgoers from the theatrical performance the night before, including the pastor.

We were impressed with the beautiful historic church, how well dressed the members were, and the melodic sound of music coming from the choir. We concluded that they must have God’s favor, to have such opulence and splendor in their church and church service.  The message was comforting, how God loves us all and wants us to be successful and happy, all to His glory of course.

They invited us to stay for their monthly luncheon after the service, and we thoroughly enjoyed the delicious food and fine fellowship. The luncheon was just about over, when one of the church leaders came in and announced that he had just received a letter from the apostle John on the Isle of Patmos, just 140 miles to the east. We all knew that John was close to Jesus and was even called “the apostle whom Jesus loved”, so we were excited, looking forward to a message of encouragement and love.

The church leader stood up and quieted everyone down to read this message from Jesus Christ to the church of Laodicea, through the apostle John (Revelation 3:15-19). He read in a somber but loud voice:

There was complete silence in the room for a few minutes as the gravity of the message given from Jesus’ most beloved disciple started to sink in. Although some murmuring was heard, at the same time we could hear soft weeping as other members’ hearts were broken by this convicting word from the Lord. Soon the weeping grew louder and “Lord forgive me” was exclaimed by many in the room. We too were convicted of our fleshly desires and worldliness, and cried out to the Lord for mercy. We realized that we witnessed a spiritual breakthrough in the Church of Laodicea and that it would never be the same.

The application of this story and this Word from the Lord is obvious and direct. If Jesus Christ was to speak to your church about your spiritual condition today, what would He say? Would He commend you for our spiritual purity and good works to all in spiritual and physical need? Or would He chastise you for the ways in which you have departed from Him and His righteousness, embraced the traditions of men, and succumbed to the temptations of the world, the lure of the flesh, and the lies of the devil?

Let us examine our hearts, repent of all sins to be spiritually clean, and draw close to the Lord for comfort, guidance, and the fire of the Holy Spirit. And let us become bold witnesses to all He brings across our path, for time is short, eternity is a very long time, and we are not guaranteed tomorrow.

To God be the glory

Ye Shall Be As Gods

Friends – Some things never change. See the article below. Mark


“For the first time, we are going to have THE DIVINE ABILITY of creation and destruction, to re-engineer life, to re-engineer bodies and brains and minds,” states Yuval Noah Harai, lead advisor to the World Economic Forum.

Harai continues: “I titled my book ‘Homo Deus’ [HUMAN GODS] because we really are becoming gods in the most literal sense possible. We are acquiring abilities that have always been thought to be divine abilities – in particular, the ability to create life. And we can do with that whatever we want.”

Harari on Christianity: “Fake news has been with us for thousands of years. Just think of the Bible. The story of Jesus rising from the dead and being the son of God. THIS IS FAKE NEWS.”

Harari on Human Nature: “Homo sapiens [that is you and me] does it best to forget the fact, but IT IS AN ANIMAL… As far as we can tell from a purely scientific viewpoint, HUMAN LIFE HAS ABSOLUTELY NO MEANING.”

Harari on the Human Population: “We just don’t need the vast majority of the population in the early 21st century given modern technologies rendering human labor economically and militarily redundant. The most important question in 21st-century economics may well be, ‘WHAT SHOULD WE DO WITH ALL THE SUPERFLUOUS PEOPLE [also called “useless eaters”, THAT WOULD BE US]?’”

Harari on New Technologies and Human Beings: “I strongly believe that given the technologies we are now developing, within a century or two at most, our species will disappear. Having raised humanity above the beastly level of survival struggles, we will now aim to UPGRADE HUMANS INTO GODS.” (Such as the chip described in the book of Revelation).

Harari on Culture vs. Nature (i.e. NO RULES): “Culture tends to argue that it forbids only that which is unnatural. But from a biological perspective, NOTHING IS UNNATURAL.”

Summary: We have just glimpsed the mindset and value system of elite globalists, including members of the World Economic Forum. We see their total dismissal of the God of the Bible and God’s special creation of men and women, created in His image, to live lives of meaning and purpose and carry out His mission while we are here on earth.

Harari’s ideas and values are embraced by many people, as traditional teaching about our nation and about Christ are not embraced by our culture. So let us go forth with the love and truth of Christ to witness to all who come across our path, for only The Truth of Christ can set us free, and time is short, eternity is forever, and we are not guaranteed tomorrow.

To God be the glory

Source of Image: Sharonville United Methodist Church, Cincinnati OH

All Aboard the Holy Spirit Express


Source of image: Wikimedia Commons

After eight years of direct military involvement in South Vietnam, the last few Americans were airlifted out on April 30, 1975. There was a mad rush for the airport because the enemy was coming in. This was followed by the fall of Saigon to communist forces. The war took the lives of 58,000 Americans and 2 million Vietnamese soldiers and civilians.

There is a parallel in the spiritual world. We were born into the world; a fallen world ruled by Lucifer, the Father of Lies. The world system is encroaching on us, but we can escape from the world by receiving Christ, who offers us peace, freedom, and a joy of the Lord that the world cannot match. We might envision it in these terms:

Like the Americans who headed for the Saigon airport in April of 1975, we can head for the spiritual airport to take a flight out on United in Christ Airlines on one of its Holy Spirit Express planes. Just as modern travelers go through TSA checkpoints to check for weapons and drugs, we must go through a Holy Spirit checkpoint to make sure we have received Christ as Savior (our ticket), and are not taking any harmful possessions (unconfessed sins) on to the plane. For the Holy Spirit Express is holy, and no unconfessed sin is allowed on board.

The planes that take off are full of individuals who fully embrace Christ, walk in the Spirit, and use their gifts and talents to carry out The Great Commission and the Lord’s will for their lives. The true Holy Spirit Express planes serve communion on the flights, celebrating the sacrifice of Christ on the cross to overcome sin and the fear of death.

Although the ultimate destination of all Holy Spirit Express flights is heaven, they often land in other locations so the Christians on board can deplane to care for the physical and spiritual needs of people in those locations.

The people who don’t go to the airport are non-believers who enjoy the culture and enticements of the world, the pleasures of the flesh, and the schemes of the devil. They have all been invited to fly on the United in Christ Airlines (to receive Christ), but they declined. Perhaps they were busy with affairs of the world and always thought they could receive Christ later. But sometimes time is up and LATER never comes.

Some people get to the airport but refuse to discard their spiritual baggage (unconfessed sin), and prefer other gods or idols. They may take other airlines departing from the airport, such as World Airlines (the world), the Las Vegas Special (the flesh), or Lucifer Lines (the devil). Instead of an extraordinary life in the Spirit, they prefer other destinations, such as Wall Street (for wealth), Washington, D.C. (for political power), Hollywood (for fame and fortune), or the lure of communist utopia (one of Satan’s lies). They don’t realize that these flights are piloted by Lucifer or one of his minions. While they may party through the entire flight, ultimately their plane will crash and burn in the Lake of Fire.

Many Holy Spirit Express planes are churches, with many people on board and the planes painted with different insignia such as Lutheran, Presbyterian, Methodist, Baptist, or Non-Denominational. But there are also decoy planes that are painted to look like they are in the United in Christ Airlines. They worship other gods, embrace sin as virtue, and are even proud of their vile practices. Once they are airborne, their true destination becomes revealed. (Their pilot is Lucifer or one of his minions.)

For the Laodicean Airlines, people get on the plane, but are having such a great time partying that they forget to invite the Holy Spirit to pilot the plane, so they never get off the ground. Then there are those who are so governed by fear that they get on the Flight for the Fearful plane, but it just cowers in the hangar, so afraid of venturing out.

Once the Holy Spirit Express plane is airborne, it attracts anti-aircraft fire, surface-to-air missiles, and fighter jets from the enemy to shoot it down. We are in a war zone, and the enemies of Christ seek to steal our faith, kill our bodies, and destroy our souls. This is why we need to put on our spiritual armor (Ephesians 6).

The person at the gate for the Holy Spirit Express just announced your flight is about to leave. Will you make it? Will your family and friends also make it? How about the individuals you meet at the grocery store or coffee shop? The enemy is encroaching upon us and time is short. So let us go forth with the love and truth of Christ to witness to all who come across our path, for eternity is forever, and we are not guaranteed tomorrow.

P.S. NATO just attacked seven military bases inside Russia, and there are indications these attacks came not from within Ukraine, but NATO countries. If so,  Russia could feel justified in attacking those NATO bases, which could trigger direct involvement of NATO forces and a hot war with Russia. It looks like WWIII is on the way, which would likely reach Europe and America. So it is time to repent, forgive, and board the Holy Spirit Express for protection and guidance, for the world system is encroaching upon us and our lives are about to change.

To God be the glory

Ukraine War PART II – A Tale of Two Nations, Warnings, and Encouragement

We are now entering one of the most dangerous times in our nation’s history, as NATO and U.S. are faced with military defeat in Ukraine or direct military involvement in a war with Russia – the nation with the largest nuclear arsenal in the world, including hypersonic missiles and nuclear drone torpedoes that could wipe out our East Coast.

This is a gripping tale of two ancient nations and two modern nations, and how they all impinge on the current war in Ukraine. Finally, some serious warnings and great encouragement.

This follows up on Part I: The Ukraine War is Going Badly, and you can see it here:  Ukraine War PART II – A Tale of Two Nations, Warnings, and Encouragement:

You won’t want to miss it.

Be bold. Be strong. Be courageous and walk with the Lord.


Mark Peterson, Ph.D.