Education is Not THE ANSWER –

Two Incredible Stories

Source of image: unknown

Is education important? Of course. While we may expect a better educated public to address complex and serious issues more effectively than an uneducated public, in my many years as an educator, I concluded that it is not THE ANSWER to the many critical challenges facing our nation, such as drugs, poverty, homelessness, corruption, and crime. Ironically, it may even provide greater capability to promulgate evil. Here are two incredible stories that shed light on this matter:

Story #1: The Einsatzgruppen in Nazi Germany – Educated Murderers

Prior to the invasion of Poland in 1939, Heinrich Himmler, Chief of the German Police, created the Einsatzgruppen to identify, combat, and eliminate suspected enemies of the German Nazi government in areas taken over by the Nazi army. They were paramilitary death squads that engaged in mass murder, primarily by shooting many of the cultural, religious, and intellectual elite of Poland, including Catholic priests, Freemasons, Jews, local political leaders, communists, partisans, and Romani people. 

These units, supported by SS units, killed over 50,000 Poles, including 7,000 Polish Jews by the end of 1939. Himmler recruited highly educated Germans to lead the Einsatzgruppen, with OVER HALF OF THE EINSATZGRUPPEN LEADERS HAVING PH.D.S. Their advanced education did not provide them with a moral compass to forbid mass murder.

Story #2: Craig Marlatt – From Prison to Street Ministry

Craig Marlatt’s life started out rough, then took a radical turn for the Lord. Sent to prison THREE TIMES for drug offenses, the third time he was in prison, Marlatt volunteered to assist with a prison ministry as the chaplain’s clerk because it was easier than working out in the hot cotton fields. There he met a homely preacher who preached the Word of God. The Holy Spirit convicted Craig, and he came to the Lord. When he left prison, he started a coffee house in the toughest part of downtown Orlando. Here is an ex-con with a high school education, ministering to drug addicts, prostitutes, and  street people, as well as writing books and recording Christian songs that inspire people to live lives of honesty, virtue, and service.

These stories demonstrate that education, while important, can be used for good or evil, and that our Lord can and does use ANYONE who is yielded to His Holy Spirit and is willing to carry out the work of the Lord. God doesn’t call the equipped; He equips the called.

Jesus said: “I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” John 10:10 The word “life” in Greek is “zoe” which means a life expressing the highest and best, a life of service to God and to mankind. As just one example, the early Christians were known for rescuing unwanted babies off the trash heaps of the Roman empire. In contrast, communist regimes that explicitly rejected God have killed over 100 million of their own people. Christ brings life; communism – rejecting God – brings death.

So let us seek the Lord with all our hearts, minds, souls, and strength, that we may discover God’s calling upon our lives and experience the abundant life – the life of joy that He promises to all who follow Him.

To God be the glory

What Do YOU Bring to the Table?

Several years ago, a non-profit organization board in the Arkansas Delta met to discuss prospective board members, and I was privileged to be a part of that discussion. Like many non-profits, they struggled with finances, so they were looking for individuals who were either wealthy or had political influence to gain access to money. A person would be suggested, and the next question was: “What do they bring to the table?” Although I dislike the jargon, it means “what could they contribute to our organization?”

What Different Age Groups Bring to the Table

We could ask the same question about people of different ages – what can they contribute to our society:

  • BABIES inspire awe, wonder, and love; created in the image of God, they are BRAND-NEW PERSONS, more incredible than a solar eclipse, Niagara Falls, or Grand Canyon.
  • CHILDREN contribute curiosity and excitement at encountering the world and learning how to get along with other people,
  • YOUNG PEOPLE contribute energy and promise for the future, unencumbered by life’s burdens, unfulfilled dreams, and skepticism of what is possible.
  • MIDDLE AGE PEOPLE are the backbone of society – men and women each contributing their unique abilities, knowledge and skills in work, dedication, and commitment to family – raising the younger generation and caring for the older generation.
  • SENIOR ADULTS contribute experience, reflection, wisdom, and a knowledge of history that enables them to recognize patterns and current events with a deep understanding.

Healthy, Godly societies, communities, families, and churches recognize the critical contributions that each group can make, and act to support, protect, and nurture them. In these settings, individuals in each of the above groups are respected and loved for who they are, and “heard”.

What Does Satan Bring to the Table

In contrast, Satan and his minions seek to steal our identities – who we are as image-bearers of God, kill our bodies in a multitude of ways, and destroy our souls:

  • BABIES are killed in the womb or sacrificed to idols,
  • CHILDREN are abused, trafficked, or mutilated for gender transitioning,
  • YOUNG PEOPLE are brainwashed by secular education,  hooked on drugs, blasted with satanic music and videos, and robbed of their promising futures,
  • MIDDLE AGE PEOPLE are lied to by our government and media, forced to work in inhumane conditions (required vaccinations, etc.), and robbed of their finances through inflation, and
  • SENIOR ADULTS are put on drugs to keep them docile, and robbed of their valuable roles as sources of wisdom by a culture that only values youth.

Satan not only brings destruction and death to the table (our society, communities, families, and churches), but HE WANTS TO DESTROY THEM.

What Does Jesus Bring to the Table

Not only does our Lord prepare a table for us in the presence of our enemies (Psalm 23:5), but He:

·       invited His disciples to join Him for a breakfast of fish and bread (John 21:12),

·       invites us to dine with Him (Revelation 3:20), and

·       offered bread and wine to His disciples at the last supper (Mark 14), an expression of and a precursor to Him giving Himself – His body and blood – on the cross to wipe away our sins and the fear of death forever (Mark 15).

What Do YOU Bring to the Table?                                                    

Jesus said we are to “love the Lord our God with all our heart, with all our soul, and with all our mind, the first and great commandment.” Then He said we are to “love our neighbor as ourself.”

He is saying – if we don’t spend any time with Him – in repentance, in His Word, in worship, and in prayer, we will have nothing special – NOTHING SUPERNATURAL to share with others. We will be unable to fulfill His calling upon our lives – the grand purpose for which we were created – to impart to others His truth and love.

So let us go forth with boldness and courage to reach others, for time is short, eternity is a very long time, and we are not guaranteed tomorrow.

To God be the glory                                              

Source of image: Pixabay

The Eclipse is a Warning to America – Stay Inside!

While there has been a great deal of media attention to the eclipse coming on Monday, much less attention is given to the spiritual dimensions and implications of the eclipse.

Messages from several watchmen and women have not only declared that the eclipse is a major warning to America to repent, but that a biological attack is planned for those who gather to watch the eclipse. This is very serious and includes a warning to stay inside rather than place you and your family in harm’s way. You can see these messages here:

In I Chronicles 12:32, the sons of Issachar were commended for understanding the times and knowing what they should do. So let us be like them, seeking understanding of the times and what we should do to live at this time and serve our Lord.  As in all things, question everything and take it to the Lord for confirmation.

This blog is for the remnant Bride of Christ and all who seek The Truth. You won’t want to miss it.

Blessings on your day,


Mark Peterson

Ten Reasons Why Repentance is Absolutely Necessary

Our nation is becoming more and more perverse, as President Biden recently declared EASTER to be Transgender Day of Visibility, a direct insult to the sovereign, living God of the universe. This is a blatant abomination, and our nation and people are now facing judgment from God.

So it is absolutely necessary that we repent of our sins and seek the Lord for His protection, guidance, and peace, as never before, because:

  1. God is a holy, righteous, and jealous God. If we approach Him with unconfessed sin on our hearts, we are idolators, worshipping another god.
  2. Unrepentance refuses Christ’s gift of salvation. If we refuse His free gift of grace, we will be judged under the Law and found guilty.
  3. Unrepentance drowns out the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit. We lose our ability to discern what is from the Lord and what is from the evil one.
  4. Repentance frees us from the bondage of sin and death. When we retain sin in our hearts, we remain in bondage, enslaving our souls to the world, the flesh, and the devil.
  5. Conviction from the Holy Spirit is our friend, as it is a warning sign that we are straying off the narrow path.
  6. Unrepentance pollutes our witness to others. Unconfessed sin sends mixed messages about Christ and those who follow Him.
  7. Unforgiveness is a powerful example of unrepentance. And if we don’t forgive someone of their wrongs against us, our Lord will not forgive us of our sins.
  8. Unconfessed sin is a cancer to our souls, and we need to get rid of it before it spreads and takes over completely.
  9. Unrepentance opens the doors to demonic influence in our lives. Unconfessed sins attract demons like fresh meat attracts flies, but repentance closes those portals to our soul.
  10. There is no sin in heaven. If we arrive at the pearly gates with sinon our souls, we are refusing to die to self and live for Christ, which is the entrance fee to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

The Lord is sending us into the front lines of the great spiritual battle for the souls of men and women – the ultimate prize. But we can only do this if we are spiritually clean, have our spiritual armor on, and are in touch with the Holy Spirit.

If hold on to any sin and refuse to die to self, we are saying no to life in the Spirit – a great spiritual adventure filled with blessings, sorrows, and the joy of the Lord that only comes from His presence in our lives.

So let us repent, forgive, and go forth with the love and truth of God, for time is short, eternity is a very long time, and we are not guaranteed tomorrow.

To God be the glory

Start Each Day in the Third Heaven


Source of image:

For many years, I would get up in the morning, have breakfast, and go to work. But I discovered that our Lord calls us to a higher calling and purpose for our lives:

  • a love for us to experience that can transform us,
  • a battle for us to engage in that is worth fighting, and
  • a story for us to live in that is far bigger and better than we have known.

Furthermore, when we receive Christ, we become indwelt with the Holy Spirit. And when we spend time each morning in His Word and prayer, we can experience the three heavens. We receive a clue about the third heaven from the apostle Paul in II Corinthians 12:2:


When we repent of our sins, forgive others, and get into the Word of God and prayer, we can commune with our Lord in the third heaven, where the sovereign, living God of the universe resides on His throne, with Jesus Christ on His right side. This is also called the secret place:

Our Lord teaches, convicts, equips, encourages, and loves us. He also illumines and transforms our minds so that we can see the world as He does and walk in the Spirit.

But then He says – it is time for you to go and carry on My work on earth, because there are many souls who don’t know Me and are headed for the Lake of Fire. So put on your spiritual armor and go forth.


Then we can enter the second heaven – the realm of angels, demons, and spiritual warfare, where we can:

  • Ask our Lord to bind the demonic forces harassing us and our loved ones, and command them to go into the Lake of Fire,
  • Plead the blood of Jesus over our family and friends and ask our Lord to protect us with His mighty angels,
  • Rebuke all curses upon us and our loved ones, including generational curses upon our family to the 4th generation,
  • Ask our Lord to touch their lives of particular individuals, our leaders, and the lost.

Interceding for others is like SPIRITUAL ARTILLERY. Just as armies shoot artillery shells into enemy territory, we are asking our Lord to send His Presence into the lives of loved ones – for healing, comfort, direction, and peace.

You don’t think demons are active today? Then you are misled by our culture and Lucifer. Here is what the apostle Paul said:


Now we go out into the world to carry out the work that He has set before us:

We are also to look for the divine appointments our Lord has for us each day. And we should always be ready to give a reason for the hope that is within us, imparting some spiritual gift to them, or receiving a spiritual gift from them.

If we don’t spend time with our Lord in the third heaven, we won’t have anything supernatural to share with others. And we will miss the joy of the Lord that comes from fulfilling His purpose for our lives.

If we don’t do spiritual battle in the second heaven, we will be going into enemy territory without armor, unaware of the evil that attacks us and our loved ones.

And if we don’t know God’s calling on our life, we will live in the first heaven, oblivious to the spiritual battles around us that seek to rob us and those around us of the joy and salvation of the Lord.

So let us go forth with the truth and love of Christ and witness to all whom the Lord brings across our path, for time is short, eternity is a very long time, and we are not guaranteed tomorrow.

To God be the glory

Mark Peterson

Time Is Almost Up

Satan, the master deceiver, has set many traps to ensnare us into his nets and take us down to the Lake of Fire. Some of these traps (and upcoming events) are war on our soil, crash of the dollar (Project Sandman), famine, pestilence (new viruses), the vax, the coming three days of darkness, trust in our corrupt politicians and government, and perhaps the eclipse coming in April.

To gain insight into what is coming soon and how to prepare, take a look at Time is Short.

In I Chronicles 12:32, the sons of Issachar were commended for understanding the times and knowing what they should do. So let us be like them, seeking understanding of the times and what we should do to live at this time and serve our Lord.  As in all things, question everything and take it to the Lord for confirmation.

This blog is for the remnant Bride of Christ and all who seek The Truth. You won’t want to miss it.

Blessings on your day,


Mark Peterson

Every One Dies Twice

This may sound strange, but everyone dies twice:

Christians: respond to the prompting of the Holy Spirit, repent of our sins, surrender to the Lord, and die to self when we receive Christ as our Savior. Then at some point in time our bodies die physically, and our soul goes to heaven to be with the Lord for eternity. Dying to self is a continual process and leads to a life of joy with no fear of death, looking forward to stepping into eternity to be with the Lord and loved ones who went before us.

Non-believers in Christ: when their bodies die physically, their soul goes to heaven to be judged, and then die a second time as they are sent to the Lake of Fire. It is their spirit that dies in the second death – their ability to commune with the Lord. They fear death, go to heaven to be judged, and it goes downhill from there.

So which will it be:

  • Are you so involved in and enjoying the enticements and pleasures of the world that you cannot imagine – are just unwilling to – die to self for something that appears to be a long way off? You can always receive Christ LATER, right? (This is one of Satan’s most favorite lies.) OR
  • Do you acknowledge the reality of the sovereign, living God of the universe and respond to His call upon your life, knowing that the choice you make now will have eternal consequences?

To God be the glory


Story #1

There was once a great king who wished to send an invaluable and precious gift to a distant kingdom. So he chose a young man who was swift of foot, with a sound mind and loyal heart to carry this precious parcel to its final destination. The king chose his carrier carefully, because he knew the gift was very valuable, and a person of unsound mind or questionable character could not be trusted with such an important task. Such a person could easily be sidetracked or even sell the precious gift for money or other worldly considerations.

Story #2:

When the angel came and spoke to Mary, he told her that God trusted her to carry the Christ child from conception to full maturity and birth, then to raise Him as her son. She was to carry the Christ from the Kingdom of God into the Kingdom of Man, a sacred journey. She knew that the child within her body has not hers, but it was her responsibility to carry it to full term to delivery into life on earth.

Story #3:

When a woman conceives a child, she is not merely carrying a parcel or mass of tissue, but another human being, created in the image of God. The child within her may not only be a male, but have a different blood type from her own. So although it is within her, it is also distinct from her. Psalm 139 describes how precious and special each of us is, and God’s involvement in our creation, growth, and development:

So God forms us through human means. He even knew us and our names long before we were conceived, and designated the days of our lives. Like Mary, women are the noble carriers of the most precious gift – a gift of human life – on a nine-month journey, to deliver it into life on earth. This precious cargo started in the Kingdom of God, where it was conceived in the mind of God, then entrusted to a woman to carry this precious life to full term and deliver it to the Kingdom of Man on earth. Like Mary, her responsibility continues in the nurture and admonition of the baby through childhood and into adulthood.

Story #4:

When we receive Christ as our Savior, our bodies become temples of the Holy Spirit, who comes to dwell within us. So our bodies (and souls) are to be holy, set apart as the very throne room of God.

It also means we should take care of our bodies, and not become obese, use drugs, or embrace any other sin that would pollute our bodies, the very tabernacles of God. For we are carrying within us the Holy Spirit, the third person of the triune God. And although this does not culminate in physical birth as does a woman carrying a child, it can result in spiritual birth in others as the love and truth of Christ flows through us to reach those who don’t know the Lord and are on the broad path that leads to perdition.

For a woman to carry a child and give birth to a new human being is INCREDIBLE. And for a person to host the Holy Spirit – the very presence of God is SUPERNATURAL. So let us go forth and share the love, the truth, and the joy of the Lord, for time is short and we are not guaranteed tomorrow.

To God be the glory

Seven Keys to an Abundant, Spirit-filled Life

Walking With the Lord

These are tumultuous times, with many ominous threats on the horizon for this new year of 2024, relating to our economy, national security, and war, to name just a few. And the pace of change is accelerating. So how can we live in this perilous environment and still have peace of mind and joy in our hearts?

In John 10:10, Jesus describes how He came that we may have AN ABUNDANT LIFE:

In Greek the word life is Zoe, and refers to the principle of life in the spirit and soul. Distinguished from Bios, or physical life, Zoe describes how Jesus’ followers shall not merely have a bare existence of life, but they shall have those things which make life eminently blessed and transcendent of circumstances – joy, fellowship with other believers, the peace of God, and eternal life. And this can happen even in the midst of suffering.

The following are seven keys that I have found that enable us to live an abundant, Spirit-filled life. These keys are not merely interesting; they lead us to the narrow path, which Christ spoke about:

These keys can open our hearts, minds, and souls to a vibrant life where we can live lightly and freely. And they may save your life.

Seven Keys to an Abundant, Spirit-filled Life

KEY #1: REPENT of our sins to become spiritually clean

  • When we repent of our sins, we become SPIRITUALLY CLEAN. God is holy, and He will not tolerate sin in His presence. So if we approach Him with petitions (which He encourage us to do) with unconfessed sin on our hearts (a form of idolatry), He won’t hear us.
  • This includes sins we willfully commit, sins of omission (good actions we fail to perform), and unknown sins that we commit without knowing they are sin. (And yes, that includes taking the Covid-19 “vaccine”, because it is not a vaccine, but a gene-modifying operating system that alters our very genetic make-up – the essence of who we are, created by God.)
  • But God is merciful, and He forgives ALL sins from those who approach Him with a contrite heart.
  • Spirit-led Christians repent quickly and often, because they want to be spiritually free and clean, which is necessary to discern the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit.
  • Repentance is not a burden or embarrassing; it is the natural (or supernatural) means to live a life of freedom and joy, with no fear of death. We even need to ask the Lord to show us any sin in our hearts, so we can repent and get rid of it, lest it grow into a cancer of the soul.

KEY #2: FORGIVE others of sins they have committed against us.

  • None of us are perfect, and sooner or later someone will sin against us. We are to forgive them, regardless of what the sin was, and regardless of whether they ask for forgiveness.
  • If we don’t forgive those who sin against us, God will not forgive us of our sins, and we will be judged guilty under the law, a very serious matter.
  • The sin of unforgiveness in our heart can even become a doorway for demonic influence into our lives.
  • Unforgiveness also sprouts a root of bitterness that can grow into a cancer of the soul. Not forgiving another is like the guy who swallows poison and waits for the other guy to die.

KEY #3: SURRENDER to Christ and receive salvation – eternal life in heaven.

  • “Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.’” John 14:6
  • While He was here on earth, Jesus performed many miracles and fulfilled many Old Testament prophecies. He even rose from the dead, attested to by many witnesses. No other religion has such a supernatural track record, thoroughly documented by many credible sources.
  • God doesn’t want to fight with us (He would win); He wants us to surrender and come out our hands up.
  • We need to die to self to live for Christ. And when we receive Christ, we even become new creations: Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” II Corinthians 5:17

KEY #4: SPEND TIME WITH THE LORD and seek Him with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength.

  • If we spend all day in the world and no time with the Lord in His Word, prayer, worship, and fellowship with other believers, we will be starved spiritually, and will operate in the flesh and by worldly principles.
  • “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of  
  • your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” Romans 12:2
  • It is when we spend time in the Word of God that our minds become transformed, we begin to see the world and other people as the Lord does, and we can begin to discern the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit.
  • Jesus even promises that we will find Him: “Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. I will be found by you, says the Lord.      Jeremiah 29:12-14

KEY #5: LISTEN for the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit.

The Word of God states that God desires to communicate to us, primarily through the Holy Spirit:

  • “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.”  John 10:28
  • “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.” John 14:26
  • “Therefore, the Holy Spirit says: ‘Today, if you will hear His voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion, in the day of trial in the wilderness.’” Hebrews 3:7-8
  • “I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth… and He will tell you things to come.” John 16:12-13
  • You want to hear the voice of God? Start by reading the Word of God and asking the Holy Spirit to speak to you, because that is one of the primary ways He does.
  • Being able to discern the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit enables us to go from BELIEF in Christ to having a RELATIONSHIP with the Lord, from KNOWING ABOUT GOD to KNOWING GOD.

KEY #6: OBEY the Lord

  • We need to obey the laws of the land, unless they contradict the Word of God and His commandments.
  • And if we are prompted by the Holy Spirit to do something, such as reach out to someone and minister to their needs, we should do so as soon as possible, because often there is a window of time that will close and it will be too late.
  • There are many stories of how people’s lives were saved because they were in life-threatening situations and they heard and responded to the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit. (I am one of those, as I believe the Holy Spirit nudged me several years ago to slow down on a dark, slick highway, thus narrowly missing hitting a huge deer that passed right before my car.)

KEY #7: REJOICE IN THE LORD and let the truth and love of God flow through you to others around you.

  • Rejoice is to feel and show great joy or delight. When we were born, our family expressed JOY that we were born. When we receive Christ, we are born again (spiritually), and the angels in heaven and our brothers and sisters in the Lord REJOICE that we are now in God’s family as a child of God.
  • And we are to love the Lord our God with all our heart, mind and soul, and our neighbor as ourselves, with the truth and love of Christ flowing through us to all who come across our path.


These are Biblical times, as we see events prophesied in the Bible taking place before our very eyes. And the safest place to be is in the center of God’s will for our lives, which we discover when we are living Spirit-filled lives.

Furthermore, each of us was created to live at this time. So no matter how hopeless our circumstances may seem, God is calling us to a higher, transcendent calling and purpose in our lives, beyond merely accumulating stuff and worldly acclaim:

  • a love for us to experience that can transform us,
  • a battle for us to engage in that is worth fighting, and
  • a story for us to live in that is far bigger and better than we have known.

Our Lord tells us we are not to fear:

But we are to trust Him with all our heart and He will direct our paths:

And finally, when facing trials and tribulations, read the 23rd Psalm out loud:

Life is short. God is great. Walk with the Lord.

Mark Peterson, Ph.D.

We Are Here for a Season and a Reason – The Story of Our Dog Annie

Annie, Our Anatolian Shepherd

Recently our Anatolian Shepherd dog Annie died. She had been a good dog, although sometimes a lot of trouble. Anatolians (originally from Turkey, formerly called Anatolia) are bred to be guard dogs to attack and take out any predators who are after the sheep they are guarding. So Annie saw every other dog of any size as a predator – big trouble! But she was our dog, and we loved her and she loved us.

When we lose someone close to us, even a dog, there is a sense of loss, as a part of us is gone forever. Her death helped me realize that our loved ones are with us only for a season. It might be for a year, or it might be for 80 years, but it is only for a season. Realizing this helps us treasure the times we have with loved ones, as we (and they) are never guaranteed tomorrow.

It is a common story to hear people who experiencing grief at the loss of a loved one say how much they regret saying something to that person when they saw them last, or how much they would like to tell them how special they are and how much they love them. So DON’T WAIT – speak love and truth into the lives of your loved ones while you still have the opportunity.

I believe that people also come into our lives for a reason. Perhaps they are family members who have fulfilled your need to belong to a family, or a child whom the Lord has entrusted you with. Perhaps they help you with some important work, or perhaps you minister to them in some vital way.

When Jesus came from the Kingdom of God to the Kingdom of Man, He came only for a season – 33 years. And He came for a reason – to bring hope, joy, and salvation to all who would respond through His teaching, His ministry, His death, and His resurrection. He and His followers changed the world, overcoming the fear of death, offering a life of joy and peace regardless of circumstances, and life eternal in heaven.

What about you? Obviously your season is not up yet, but SOME DAY  will be your last day on earth. And your reason – do you know why you are here? For Christians, our reason is pretty clear – to share the love, compassion, and truth of Christ to all who come across our path, to the glory of God.

Not realizing we are here for just a season leads to taking life and relationships for granted, while not knowing our reason leads to a life wasted on worldly concerns or a life of purposelessness and despair.

This is the day which our Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

To God be the glory