A Great Wealth Transfer is Coming

A great wealth transfer is coming soon to our nation. Usually, when there is some great financial crisis, everyone does not lose out, but assets move from those who did well in the old system, to those who are prepared (by foresight or luck) for the new system. That is what this blog post attempts to explain – how this happens, and the implications for all of us. You can see it here:

Our Lord has raised up watchmen and women to warn America and other nations about coming events, consistent with these passages:

In I Chronicles 12:32, the sons of Issachar were commended for understanding the times and knowing what they should do. So let us be like them, seeking understanding of the times and what we should do to live at this time and serve our Lord.  As in all things, question everything and take it to the Lord for confirmation.

This blog is for the remnant Bride of Christ and all who seek The Truth. You won’t want to miss it.

Be bold. Be strong. Be courageous and walk with the Lord.


Mark Peterson, Ph.D.